Dress Code
Appropriate and modest attire is expected at school. It is recognized that the school shares with parents a responsibility for teaching young people the appropriateness of dress. It is our belief that clothing contributes to attitudes and behavior; therefore, we expect:
- Students to come to school dressed for learning.
- Undergarments should not be showing under any circumstances. If clothing is not worn correctly, it must be corrected or parents will be contacted.
- No article of clothing should carry slogans that are in “poor taste”. This would include wording that is suggestive, violent, or vulgar in nature or that which reflects drugs or alcohol.
- Gang-related clothing or modes of dress are not permitted. No attire may be worn that does or is perceived to create a hostile learning environment.
- Students should wear shoes that are appropriate for physical education.
- Students may only wear hats and hoods outside the classroom and or school buildings. Exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis.
The school administration reserves the right to individually forbid a student from wearing any attire, logos, symbols, or insignias including excessive clothing color, that is determined to create a hostile environment or distracts from learning.
As fashion trends change, the dress code policy is subject to revision. Policy changes will be shared through school communication methods to staff, students, and parents.
Cell Phones
Once students enter campus, phones need to be secured in backpacks and turned off during the school day, or checked in with the classroom teacher. Students may come to the office to use the phone if they need to place a call. Students may use their phones outside the classroom after school is dismissed. The school is not responsible for phones that are stolen, lost, or damaged. If a student has a phone out during the day it will be confiscated and brought to the office to be retrieved at the end of the day.
Arrival and Dismissal
Our primary focus for all students, staff, and family members is safety. We ask your personal cooperation and commitment to the expectations and procedures below.
- Supervision for students begins at 7:45 a.m.
- We ask that students in TK, K, and 4th -6th (and their siblings/ family members) arrive using the side parking lot, next to Welch Park. Students in grades 1st-3rd arrive in the front parking lot.
- All students wait behind the yellow "College Bound" line until a staff member releases them onto campus.
- Students entering through the side lot or back of the school should proceed to the entry and wait behind the yellow line as well.
- Once released, students walk directly to their classroom and wait safely until the teacher opens the door for the day.
- Once released from class, students may gather their siblings, then walk directly to their pick-up spot or head straight home if walking.
- We ask that students in TK, K, and 4th -6th ( and their siblings) dismiss using the side parking lot, next to Welch Park. Students in grades 1st-3rd dismiss in the front parking lot.
- Please note that all students are expected to go straight home if walking. They are not to go to McDonalds or any other location.
Parking Lot Safety
- Be sure to observe the cones and do not make a left turn into the front parking lot. Use the roundabout instead.
- When entering the lot, please be patient as we help cars get to the curb.
- Stay in your car and pull forward when directed by staff.
- Students are to be picked up along the curb and may not walk across the lot to your vehicle.
- You may also park and walk to get your child using the sidewalks.
- When leaving, turn right only out of both lots to alleviate traffic congestion.
- Please do not park in any spots specifically marked for staff members.
Food on Campus
Student nutrition and health contribute to an academically successful child. As such, Evergreen School District has developed the following criteria that follow state, federal, and health department guidelines regarding the serving of food to students to students. Also included are some site specific procedures and expectations.
Snack/ Lunch from Families:
- Food from home may not be shared with other students ie. a child may not bring a pizza to their child with the intent to share with friends.
- Lunches must be delivered to the office and we will notify the child to retrieve it.
- Students may not call home to see if lunch is being delivered.
- Selling of food items to other students is not allowed at anytime.
Classroom Celebrations:
- Any baked items sent to school for celebrations must be purchased from a store.
- Food items must be served after the classroom's lunch period.
- Food items must be peanut free.
- Classroom teacher should be contacted prior to bringing food whenever possible.