Networks, Awards & Partnerships
Katherine Smith School was one of the first elementary school in the New Tech Network and has been a member since 2013.
Katherine Smith school joined No Excuses University in 2012.
Partnership for 21st Century Learning Exemplar (2013)
Only handful of school each year are awarded P21 Exemplar status. Katherine Smith was recognized for our implementation of project-based learning, strong community involvement, and technology integration.
National Champion School (2014)
K. Smith School was one of three schools in California to receive a state of the art fitness center from the National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils. We even received a visit by California Governor Brown for the ribbon cutting.
New Tech Best in Network Project (2015)
The second grade team was awarded the Best in Network award at the annual New Tech Conference for the Diggin' for Dinos literacy project. This was the first time this award was given to an elementary school project.
New Tech Exemplary Demonstration Site (2016)
New Tech Exemplary schools are identified in the network of over 200 schools. Throughout the year, visitors come from across the globe to experience the innovative work our students do.
Buck Institute for Education PBL Champion School (2017)
K. Smith School was awarded the first ever PBL Champion School award for our commitment to project based learning as a model to support student development of key knowledge and success skills, for our culture of continuous improvement always trying to get better, and for the impact we have on students' lives.
Other Partnerships and Affiliations