K. Smith Habits


At Katherine Smith, our mission is to prepare all students to Think, Learn, Work, Communicate, Collaborate, and Contribute now and throughout their lives.  To bring this mission to fruition, these outcomes need to be articulated for students and staff.  These Habits and their descriptors are at the heart of the learning experiences we design for students so they are able to succeed in this ever changing world.

First page of the PDF file: KSmithHabitPoster-Think
First page of the PDF file: KSmithHabitPoster-Learn
First page of the PDF file: KSmithHabitPoster-Work
First page of the PDF file: KSmithHabitPoster-Communicate
First page of the PDF file: KSmithHabitPoster-Collaborate
First page of the PDF file: KSmithHabitPoster-Contribute