
K. Smith Habits - Think
K. Smith Habits - Learn
K. Smith Habits - Work
K. Smith Habits - Communicate
K. Smith Habits - Collaborate
K. Smith Habits - Contribute
Preparing each student to think, learn, work, communicate, collaborate, and contribute effectively now and throughout his or her life.
KS Habits Think Photo SliceTHINK

critically. Ask questions and use evidence to describe and support claims. Be flexibile and innovative to design solutions to complex problems. Reflect and critique ideas.

KS Habits Learn Photo SliceLEARN

continuously. Develop strong foundational skills to master significant content. Make mistakes. Build on knowledge and apply to new situations.

KS Habits Work Photo SliceWORK

intentionally. Be persistent and self-directed. Manage impulsivity and set goals. Strive for accuracy and apply effort to continuously improve. Take risks and create beautiful work.

KS Habits Communicate Photo SliceCOMMUNICATE

effectively. Speak and write with clarity. Know your audience, Understand purpose, and choose precise language. If appropriate, incorporate media to enhance ideas.

KS Habits Collaborate Photo SliceCOLLABORATE

constructively. Take responsibility for yourself and your team. Listen with empathy and understanding with a commitment to shared success. Give and receive feedback.

KS Habits Contribute Photo SliceCONTRIBUTE

globally. Apply your work to real world situations to serve an authentic purpose. Be kind to others and empowered to make a difference. Recognize your place in the community.


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What's Happening Now


2025-2026 Registration - Opens on Wednesday, January 15, 2025

2025-2026 registration opens for grades TK through 8. The date range has expanded so more students are eligible: Students born September 20, 2020 - September 21, 2021 can now apply. Registration opens Wednesday, January 15, 2025. All registration is accepted online. Visit www.eesd.org/enrollment for more details on the required documents to complete your registration.  

Read More about 2025-2026 Registration - Opens on Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Parent Information Night CAASPP

Are you curious about the CAASPP state testing that your child will be participating in soon? The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is an important measure of student learning, and we want to make sure you have all the information you need. Join us for a Parent Information Night on Tuesday, January 28 from 6 to 7 p.m. via Zoom. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of CAASPP, including:

  • What the tests assess
  • Available resources
  • Test taking strategies

This is a great opportunity to learn more about CAASPP and ask any questions you may have. Register for the Zoom meeting here: https://bit.ly/CAASPPparentnight. We look forward to seeing you there!

Read More about Understanding CAASPP: Informational Meeting for Parents of 3rd-8th Graders

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ESD Wellness Spotlight

For mental health, wellness and community resources, visit ESD's Mental Health & Wellness CONNECTIONS website at wellness.eesd.org.